Wednesday 30 September 2009

Movie Site - moviesb

Another movie site. Hard to read the text on it though with the dark background and the dark text. I highlighted some text and then I could read it.

Posted via email from David's posterous

MissionX and Death Movie

David Baker is a busy fella. Only just finishing off his MissionX by getting it into cinemas he is starting to get things done with DeathMovie

@indiemoviemaker: MISSION X now on pre-order. Next film @DEATHMOVIE

Posted via email from David's posterous

Video20Questions Podcast 4 Double Edge Films


What a coup to be able to interview the film makers Jamin and Kiowa Winans of Double Edge Films. They were great to talk to and impressed me greatly with their approach to the movie industry. The Movie INK was well received at the Santa Barbara Film Festival and now is being show around the country in the USA.

It's been six months since premiering Ink at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, and though we've been having a lot of successes, Ink has taken a path I never could have predicted. A lot of filmmakers have asked us about our strategy with the film and why we've made some of the decisions we have with the release of Ink. Here is a description of our experience and an explanation of why we're doing what we're doing.

To read more click on the picture to the left.

I have seen the trailer for the film and I am so looking forward to seeing the movie, it looks so exciting. Not only are they from Colorado but they filmed INK there and used actors from the area too. Kiowa tells me that Colorado has so many different types of scenery just perfect for filming a movie, no problem in finding locations and even helps to keep the film in budget when you know the area and the people of the area.

GotoMeeting sponsors Video 20 Questions


Jamin has had a camera in his hands since he was 10 years old, making feature length films as a teenager learning how to cut and splice video tape, he must be so pleased to be using Final Cut Pro now.

So you can see that he has quite a background in making movies. INK most certainly is not his first movie and he has other movies in the pipeline for the future. The exact details as a bit hush hush but I bet it will be scifi in its outlook, he seems likes that genre

Kiowa has a huge involvement in the making of the film INk and has been responsible for the Producers job and worked the sound for the film. They have a small sound studio in the house where they sometimes whip out the senheiser mic and record what they need and also to combine with foley sounds to further enhance the movie.

Godaddy sponsors Video 20 Questions - Use the code POD146 to get a discount of 10% off your next order for domain names or web hosting

Here is the trailer for the movie INK for you to enjoy.

The music for the outro of the podcast is by Louis Vig a track called Can You Feel It

Video20Q Podcast 5 David Blyth


In this podcast I am talking to a film maker from New Zealand. I really enjoyed my chat with David and I learned a few things along the way. He is has made horror films such as Death Warmed Up and worked with some big names from the Film industry as you will find out in the interview.

Presently he is taking trips around the world to visit film festivals to promote his movies. recently he was in Brazil His current project is a documentary which is family inspired and a follow up to one he did a while back. We hear about his influences from the film industry and talk about how he sees the business evolving. In this digital internet twitter age

He talks about 'Transfigured Nights' he has had aired on NZ TV which was filmed via the internet via web cams and men wearing masks. Interesting and a bit kinky.
David has a passion for film making and currently has a writing / film project in progress.

We chat about screen writing and story boarding and some of the nitty gritty parts of making a movie. I think you will enjoy hearing what David and I talk about in the interview.


A still from 'Death warmed up'

News Section

  • Come to "Filmmaker's Networking Free Mixer" Thursday, October 8 from 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm. Join us after the Meeting - Rain Dance

  • Follow Wolfgang @eumagine Connecting filmmakers, screenwriters & broadcasters

  • @NoRestrictions: HD VIDEO: ONE HOUR FANTASY GIRL (2009) Preview

  • David Baker the Indie movie maker says that MissionX is now available for Pre order

Transfigured Nights is now available for international distribution on